Thursday, April 12, 2012


My husband talks on the phone A LOT. Especially for a 23-year-old male. Maybe because I almost never talk on the phone for more than a few minutes, but he is like a teenage girl sometimes. Mike calls him and he'll chat while he's driving home. With me sitting in the front seat. Or he'll leave the room when I'm watching TV because Andy's called to tell him something (he generally only leaves the room after I glare at him enough because he is being SO LOUD) and then they end up gabbing away for 20 minutes. Maybe I'm annoyed that I don't talk to any of my girl friends on the phone. 

I used to have several hour-long conversations a week with my mother when I was in college. I'd generally call her because I'm a terrible cook I didn't know how to make certain food, or know if I could put a certain dish in the microwave. I'm still a terrible cook, but now Brett and I just decide to wing it and be adventurous. Turns out A LOT of older glass bowls have metal in them and will start microwave fires. Just an FYI. 

I've never really been a phone talker though. My hearing is pretty bad, plus I sound like I'm five over the phone. A lady called a few weeks ago to get me to donate blood. Once I finally convinced her I was Lindsay, she didn't believe I'd ever donated before because I sounded too young. 

However, in high school, Brett and I talked on the phone almost every night for several hours. What we talked about, I have no idea. We had just spent all day together at school. We had all the same friends and teachers and most of the same classes. Those must have been the most asinine conversations ever. I guess it turned out okay though. 

But seriously, is it common for 20-something men to talk on the phone to each other so much? And don't even get me started about how they play XBOX LIVE together and are connected through those super lame headset things. Seriously, I'm married to such a dork.

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