Thursday, June 13, 2013


Brett is very much like Dooce, in that he HAS to be valedictorian of everything (well, okay, he was salutatorian in high school, but there was some corruption involved there). But unlike Dooce, he likes to do as little as possible, and still be valedictorian.

In college, Brett and I took a lot of the same classes. I worked so hard in Earth Science--read the chapters every night, memorized the class notes, agonized over my quizzes, and studied tirelessly before tests...and I failed every single one. Somehow (probably by the grace and mercy of dear Chuck), I passed the class with a C-. Brett occasionally did some homework and studied just enough that he would get an A on EVERYTHING. Which meant that the entire semester, he studied about one tenth what I did EVERY NIGHT.

He is still extremely bitter about the A- he received in Humanities. That class was a straight up joke. We wrote half-page essays on random topics ("Give me a half a page on art by Thursday" or "I'd like a couple paragraphs on Aristotle by next Tuesday"...seriously?). We had one final paper. No tests, no quizzes. We didn't even have real grades. He would just give us a + or - on the top of our essays. If he really liked it, maybe a +++, or if he wasn't sure, a +-. At the end of the year, I am entirely convinced that he just matched names to letter grades, because he didn't know a single person's name in the class.

Brett's A- in Humanities is the only grade less than an A he received in his entire college career. Which means he graduated with something like a 3.995 or something ridiculous. And he did a total of maybe three hours of homework in two years.

All of this to say I finally convinced Brett to donate blood with me back in March. It was his first time, so he was sort of excited when he finally received his blood donor card in the mail--mostly because he wanted to know what type of blood he has.

Well, to the shock of absolutely no one, his blood type is A positive. Yes, he has A+ blood.

My husband is the valedictorian of having blood.

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