Friday, January 18, 2013

Some Things

I haven't done a "Things" list in a while, so here it goes.

Some things I'm currently thinking about:
Our fun Valentine's Day photo shoot scheduled for tomorrow.
My upcoming play.
Needing to renew my driver's license. And continuing to put it off. My current picture is good. The odds of that happening twice in a row—not good.

Something things I'm currently loving:
How warm it is outside for January in Minnesota!
Wearing slippers to work and totally pulling. it. off.
Tricking Brett into meal planning by having him pin new recipes he wants on Pinterest.
My upcoming 3-day weekend.
My second catered lunch of the week. Mmmm. Smells so good already.

Somethings I'm not looking forward to:
Spending this lovely Friday evening alone while Brett coaches an away basketball game.
That the high temperature for Monday's forecast is 0*. A HIGH OF ZERO!
Needing to spend my Christmas money on a new vacuum cleaner.

A little "Weird Things that Happen to Lindsay" segment:
As I posted on Twitter earlier this week (follow me at @llbjork), someone visiting our office approached me at my desk saying, "You're young and tech-savvy, can you help me send a fax?" Um...really? If you need help with a fax, ask someone old. I have literally sent two faxes in my life. And I had to Google how to do it both times. 

Also, one of my co-workers told me yesterday that he had been in a meeting that morning where their supervisor had brought up the subject of who would handle my writing responsibilities if I were to be out on maternity leave. Woah. I mean, I'm all for forward thinking and all, but apparently my work is preparing for me to be pregnant. Without consulting me. Or maybe I just look fat.

Have a good weekend! Please, share some of your own thingsincluding some weird things that happened to you.

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