Monday, January 28, 2013

On Saturday I turn 25

There's not much else to write beyond that title, other than I better get busy. I'm now under a week before I hit the big day. Right now, I'm just trying to enjoy my last few days as a 24-year-old

With the crazy ice storm yesterday, we relaxed on the couch all day watching Netflix. We finally got around to watching Blue Valentine (I know, we're two years too late to that game), but it was brilliant, beautiful, very blue. Michelle Williams definitely deserved the Oscar nomination she got, though Ryan Gosling deserved from credit too. He's talented—much more than just that pretty face.

We went to Broken City on Saturday with Ethan and Amy—not what I expected. I don't have any comments on it, really. I need to see it about 10 more times before I can even process what all happened in that movie. Some sweet potato fries, funfetti cake, and a few hours of X-Games later, we were home. 

We also finished Sports Night on Netflix. That was a good show, cancelled much too early, I think. Good cast, good writing. Sharp and snappy wit and dialogue. I wish more shows were like that. Plus the Josh Charles and Peter Krause chemistry is brilliant. 

It should be a cold, quiet week now, culminating into the Birthday/Superbowl Weekend of Glory (as Brett is currently calling it). Just a few more weeks of this basketball nonsense and I can begin directing my play. I'm psyched and not nearly as nervous as I should be. Maybe my directing ego is swollen, or maybe I just have unfounded faith in my cast. 

Either way, I'm sure it'll work out. I'll be 25 by then—a real adultso I'm sure I can handle it.

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