Tuesday, August 13, 2013

30-Day Shred Journal

During the month of July, I completed Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred. It was not fun or easy, you can read about my thoughts here and here

I also kept a journal every day after the workout. It's kind of amusing to read now (but good for me to know, in case I get the crazy idea that I should do this again).
Day 1 (Level 1)
I completed the entire workout, though much of it following the modified version. My arms are shaky. I started with 5-pound weights (because I like to think I’m strong than I really am. Who am I kidding, my upper body is soooo weak!), so I struggled through a lot of the strength training parts. Jillian is a meanie, but it’s what I hired her to be. Brett laughed at me through a lot of it (especially when I yelled at Jillian), and commented more than once on how sweaty I was. Good sign, right? I was pretty sore the next morning, and did some yoga stretches to loosen up. 

Day 2 (Level 1)
My endurance was better for the cardio and strength both. My arms are still shaky and feeling it the most, probably because they need the most work. My endurance and legs are in adequate shape from running, but my arms and abs are little pansies. Today was rough because we had a doubleheader softball game tonight, so I was really feeling it during the game. However, I hit really well and beat out a couple ground balls which could have been throw outs. I’m already feeling faster and stronger. The next morning however, I felt like I got run over by a truck. I tried to stretch, but I’m still so sore. I kept hearing that Day 2 is the hardest, but I have a feeling Day 3 is going to kick my butt.

Day 3 (Level 1)
I felt it today. Since I was still super sore from the softball game the night before, this workout was brutal. I pretty much put it off until late evening, hoping I would recover. It was a rough one, but I made it.

Day 4 (Level 1)
Today was July 4, so I think I surprised myself by actually working out. I got up early, since we were planning a day trip to Stillwater. Walking all over Stillwater actually helped loosen some tight muscles, so I’m really glad we did it. I knew I needed to Shred, since I wasn’t sure I would eat very well over the 4-day holiday weekend.

Day 5 (Level 1)
It was a free day off work, and I still worked out. I’m incredibly proud of myself. Today was also the first day that I could do all the difficult strength moves for the first time. Let me explain. In circuit one, the strength move is a squat and overhead press. I was squatting every time, but only pressing every other…give my screaming arms a break. Same with the lunge/bicep curl in circuit two. I was lunging, but only curling every other time. Day 5, I had a breakthrough and was able to do all the arm moves along with the video (other than the shoulder raises in circuit three. I’m still only doing every-other of those). I’ve actually noticed the most muscle toning in my arms. They feel stronger. They’re still much thicker than I would like, but I can tell they are building strength. I did a weigh in today, and I’m down 1.5 pounds.

Day 6 (Level 1)
I did even better today with my arms and endurance. My calves are bulging (they’ve basically returned to high school Lindsay form), and my quads are tightening as well. I definitely pulled a muscle in my quad (I think it happened during softball, not the Shred, but it’s not helping). I’m going to have to take a break and rest tomorrow.

Day 7 (Level 1)
Yesterday (Sunday), I rested. My quad needed it if I was going to prevent further injury. I wanted to do this whole thing with zero days off, but I think that was pretty unrealistic. So I’ve decided to take Sundays off. That will give me one day of rest each week to let my muscles recover. I was actually afraid that if I took a day off, I wouldn’t start again, or if I did, I would lose what I had gained. Not true! I started right away on Monday and felt great. The arm exercises no longer make me shaky. I feel good and strong. My endurance was up, and the pushups were practically easy! I still can’t do 100 percent of the side lunge/shoulder raises in circuit three, but I think I’m getting closer. Those have always been my weakest muscles, even in my regular weight lifting days.

I’ve actually been eating really healthy—though not counting calories or anything. While I wanted to make the most of the Shred and lose as much fat as possible in a month, I didn’t set out to change that much. However, it’s sort of been its own motivation. I realize that whatever junk I put in my stomach, I’m going to be trying to work off the next day during those killer jump rope minutes. If I’m Shredding to lose, then I don’t want to hurt my chances and just eat junk all month. I’ve cut out almost all sugar and processed food. I’m filling in with a lot of fruits and salads. I’ve drunk nothing but water. I’m hoping it helps!

Day 8 (Level 1)
I hit the exercises hard today, despite the fact that I had both a softball game and volleyball game later in the evening. Thankfully, we didn’t end up playing the volleyball game, because I rolled my ankle and re-strained my quad during softball. I’m really ready to be done with level one, because I have all of Jillian’s lines memorized. But I’ve heard that level two is horrible, so maybe I’m not so ready.

Day 9 (Level 1)
I tried to take it a little easier on my quad for the lunges on that side, but really push my arms. I made it almost all the way through the shoulder raises (had to skip a couple), but everything else I’m doing well. I don’t feel like I’m going to die during the jump ropes, and I can even bunny hop the whole time, instead of alternating legs (like a skip) for a few seconds. I’m down a total of 2 pounds since I started. Not exactly earth shattering, but I hope that means I’m gaining muscle and melting some fat. Only one more day of level one!

Day 10 (Level 1)
Well, I made it to the end of level one. I tried to push myself, and the only thing I couldn’t do start-to-finish was the arm raises. My shoulders are still weak! This makes me a little nervous because I know level two is filled with planks. And planks take shoulder muscles. This will be an adventure.

Day 11 (Level 2)
Woah. Level two is no joke. At one point, Jillian says, “I want you to feel like you’re going to die.” And let me tell you, I did. I had to do a lot of the modified versions, but I do hope to work my way up. I know my endurance is better, but my arms are still weak and holding me back. The squat thrusts and plank jacks—yeah…not so good.

Day 12 (Level 2)
Today was Saturday, so I had cleaned the entire house before Shredding. That was probably good because it helped loosen up my stiff muscles. Apparently Day 2 of every workout is the hardest, so I hope that means the worst is behind me…I doubt it though. This level is out of control. But I tried to push because I knew I had Sunday to rest and recover. Also, I ate half a pizza afterwards. Oops.

Day 13 (Level 2)
I’m still only down two pounds from my starting weight, but my pants are definitely starting to fit better in my hips and thighs. Brett keeps telling me I look skinnier, but he might just be saying that because he knows how hard I’ve been working…and he doesn’t want me to feel bad that I’m not getting any results. There is actual, noticeable definition in my triceps, and my shirts are feeling looser around my arms. I wish I was losing more from my waist, but I’ve heard that you lose the most around your middle during level three. I can only imagine what kind of nightmare awaits in that level.

Day 14 (Level 2)
Today was rough. I don’t know why (maybe because it’s 100* outside and I’m feeling sluggish), but I struggled through this workout. I’m trying to do as many of the “advanced” versions as I can, but I only get through about half of the squat thrusts and plank jacks before switching to the modified version. And my arms are still shaking weakly through a bunch of the difficult strength moves (oh my word, I will probably never be able to do the squat/v-fly move at the end…yikes!). I’m almost halfway done though!

Day 15 (Level 2)
Halfway through level two, and halfway through the entire 30 days! Today I did my workout in the morning at 6 a.m. That was rough. I’m giving blood this afternoon after work—and it’s not a great idea to pump iron the same day after you donate iron (see what I did there?)—so if I wanted to get a workout in, it had to be before work. I was proud of myself for getting up and doing it, but it was a little harder. Since it had only been about 13 or 14 hours since my last workout, I didn’t have the full 24 for my muscles to recover. And I know some people enjoy working out first thing, but I think my muscles benefit from walking/moving around for 8 hours before forcing them to work hard. But I finished it, and now I’ll have extra recovery time before tomorrow afternoon. I’m feeling good. My stomach is starting to shrink by millimeters, and I know my arms and legs look better. I’ve still been eating really well, so I’m sure that’s contributing. Hopefully the second half of these 30 days goes quickly! I’m ready for vacation!

Day 16 (Level 2)
Level two is still kicking my butt. It’s getting a little easier, and it’s getting somewhat easier to eat healthy. I’m getting better at buying groceries and knowing what to stock up on so I can still snack at night and not blow my whole day’s work.

Day 17 (Level 2)
I still struggle through the squat thrusts and plank jacks. I try to push myself to do about 10-15 and then switch to modified version for the rest of the time. I’d been using five pound dumbbells, but I couldn’t make it through the whole time for a lot of the strength moves. I didn’t really want to go buy lighter ones, so I took the two and half pound circle weights off my adjustable dumbbells. So for some of the harder moves, I use two and a half pound weights in each hand and stick with the five pound dumbbells for others. Of course, it’s way more awkward to hold the circle weights, but it seems to be working.

Day 18 (Level 2)
Today I weighed in at six pounds under my starting weight! However, I weighed myself later in the day, and two pounds had sneakily climbed back on. It’s definitely slow going. I’ve been taking photos every five days as well, and to be honest, I can’t really see a difference. I know my clothes are fitting better, but I’m not sure I’m actually changing my body much. That’s disappointing. These last two days have been rough. I’ve really struggled and had to do more of the modified moves. I feel like I should be getting better and stronger, but I’m not. I’m actually feeling weaker. Not very good.

Day 19 (Level 2)
I think a day of rest is just what I needed. I took Sunday off as usual, and today the workout went much better. I actually completed one whole circuit of squat thrusts and plank jacks with no modification! Small victory, but still sweet.

Day 20 (Level 2)
Yikes. I am done with level two. That was a rough one—much harder than level one…which I guess is the idea. Today’s workout was really good. I felt strong, and also a little like I was dying. I’m still amazingly sweaty afterwards, and sore, and tired, but definitely in a good way. I’m not looking forward to starting level three tomorrow, but I’ve heard that level three is when the body changes the most. I’m going to work hard, because after that is vacation! Hopefully I’m slimmed enough to wear a bikini and not look like a monster on the beach.

Day 21 (Level 3)
Well…level three. It’s tough, but I prefer it to level two. It seems to go much faster. The moves aren’t necessarily easier (the ab moves are killer!), but it seems like I can push through it easier than level two. I’m not sure I’m shrinking like I’d hoped, but I’m getting stronger. On Tuesday, I could actually hit a softball out of the infield—5-5 in our final game of the season! Not too shabby! Of course, the jump training is ridiculous, and I can do about four jumping lunges before I have to switch to regular lunges. I’m trying to push, because I know my inner thighs are a big-time problem. I know I’ve shed some fat from that area, so doing all those ridiculous sumo jumps/squat jumps/rockstar jumps could really tone my legs nicely if I keep it up.

Day 22 (Level 3)
Still pushing. There is an end to this madness! It’s getting exciting because I know vacation is coming soon (the last day of this Shred, we will leave for beautiful northern Minnesota). I’m excited to get away for the last week of summer before volleyball preseason starts…and also to be done with Jillian for a week.

Day 23 (Level 3)
I. AM. SORE. I think Day 3 was probably hardest on both of the previous levels, so this isn’t too much of a shock. My shoulders and arms are burning—I think it’s the return to the pushups. Today is going to be rough, but at least it’s Friday. That means I just need to push through one more Saturday workout and then a rest day on Sunday. I’m down a total of five pounds from the start.

Day 24 (Level 3)
Well…today was a struggle. It was Saturday, and I did lots of fun things, like go to Crazy Days and shopping at the mall. I kept putting off shredding as long as possible, saying “I’ll just take a break and do it tomorrow instead.” I finally sucked it up and just did it and it was fine. I’m starting to do more of the advanced moves and fewer of the modified moves, because honestly this level is easier than level two. I’m just to the point where I want to be done. I want to be able to skip a day if I’m not feeling it.

Day 25 (Level 3)
It was good to have Sunday off. We went to Hyvee for lunch and then had a Breaking Bad marathon with some friends. But I was ready to knock out this last week of shredding today (Monday). Since I had plans to meet one of my girls for coffee after work, I got up at 5:45 and shredded early in the morning. It was really nice to be able to come home from work and not have to work out. I should shred in the morning more often.

Day 26 (Level 3)
Ugh. I woke up feeling horrible this morning—my back muscles are aching from this level, and my allergies are not handling this weird cold snap very well. I decided to sleep in and not shred before work. But that meant I had to shred when I got home from work—which was a staff day. So after traveling all over in a coach bus (including an hour drive home after a wine tasting), pretty much everyone fell asleep. I was so exhausted that I decided to nap in bed for half an hour and get up when Brett got home to shred. And I’m shocked I actually did this. It was definitely a “fake it til you make it” moment. I pulled myself out of bed and put on my work out clothes. I kind of stumbled downstairs and set up the video. But once it got going, I really pushed myself hard through the workout. It was good, even though my shoulders and back are still screaming at me.

Day 27 (Level 3)
Three more days. Three more days. I keep chanting that in my head over and over, trying to keep myself motivated. I’m doing more of the advanced moves now in level three, but I’m still waking up every morning with incredibly sore shoulders and back. I know that’s because those muscles were so weak to begin with, they’re really being shocked into use now. I’m wearing a pair of capris my mom handed down to me a few years ago, but I never wore because they were uncomfortably tight in the thighs and butt. I’m thinking I’m going to need to add them to the “donate” pile at home though…because they’re too big! Even with a belt, they’re barely staying up, and they actually look a few sizes too big around my butt and thighs. That’s pretty amazing. I haven’t taken any of my measurements yet to know how many inches I’ve lost, but I am curious to know. I feel like my clothes are fitting much better, and some of my “fat pants” look too sloppy to even wear to work anymore. And some size 4 and 6 capris I’ve kept for many years even though they were getting too tight to be appropriate are fitting nicely. I’m glad I’m doing this…but I’ll be even more glad when it’s over.

Day 28 (Level 3)
Today was one of those days that I put on my workout clothes and sat on the couch for a long time, trying to convince myself I didn’t need to shred today. Unfortunately, there are a lot of days like this. But every single day when I finish stretching and Jillian congratulates me, I always think, “that wasn’t so bad.” Honestly, the hardest part is just starting. Once you get going, it goes so fast.

Day 29 (Level 3)
I was off work today, trying to clean and pack before vacation. I cannot believe that day is here already! More importantly, I cannot believe I’m almost done with this shred. This month flew by. Level 3 was so good—I liked it way more than level 2. It seemed to go by much faster. Only one day left!

Day 30 (Level 3)
I almost, almost didn’t Shred today. We were leaving for vacation this morning, and I just kept telling myself, “why does that last day matter? How much is it really going to do?” Well, I finally dragged my body out of bed and downstairs. I know the last day didn’t really do that much to change my body, but I also knew that I would have hated myself if I completed a 29-day shred and wussed out on the last day. I went hard, telling myself that this. was. it. I never had to do these moves again. Go hard because this was my last shot. 

Thus ends the 30-Day Shred saga. I promise you don't have to read any more about it. But feel free to ask me about it, and I will tell you!

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