Wednesday, February 4, 2015


I tend to get nostalgic about my birthday. I guess because it's close enough to New Year's that I'm still feeling like it's not too late to get some resolutions in for the coming year. It's also the time I really reflect on "What did I actually accomplish during my XX year of life?" Am I where I thought I would be?

Twenty-six was a good year for me. I needed a year like that, because I was left a little unsettled on the day I turned 26. There were so many things I thought I would accomplish by age 25--and that list was largely uncrossed off. But this past year, year 26 of being alive, I did a lot of good things.

Last year, I:
Completed a kitchen remodel
Finished writing a play
Directed a play I had written
Completed Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred for the second time
Found out I was having a baby
Coached a volleyball team of all freshman and sophomores to play competitively against much older teams
Started a bathroom remodel
Made the decision to leave my current job upon the arrival of our baby
Was told by my doctor he couldn't be sure if baby was head down because I still had too much ab definition

Okay, so the last one is a bit of a brag, but it might be the thing on this list I'm most proud of. I'm pretty sure I have never had a problem with "too much ab definition" at any other point in my life. I would like to commemorate the moment.

I had a good year being 26. I'm beginning my 27th year seven months pregnant and with only two months left at my job. This next year will undoubtedly be filled with all kind of new challenges I can't even imagine yet. Things like setting up a nursery, continuing to work with a drama publishing service, delivering a baby, keeping a newborn alive, finding a new job, summer road trips with a baby, coaching a new volleyball team - nearly double the size of last year, all of baby's first holidays.

It's overwhelming to be sure, but exciting too. This is one of the first birthdays in recent years I was looking forward to. Maybe because at seven months pregnant, I'm ready for time to move forward a little more quickly. I'm ready for this baby to be on the outside, instead of occupying every available square inch of my mid-section, while also digging it's feet deeply into my ribcage.

We celebrated in our own grand fashion--pizza on the couch, a new puzzle, a Super Bowl Party, and a quiet evening at Perkins, devouring breakfast food. Only a few days in, I'm still excited for the year ahead. Bring on every little moment and fun adventure.

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