Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Our Story

Today marks nine years. 

On February 6, 2004...

This boy:

asked this girl:

 to be his girlfriend.

Then, on New Year's Eve 2009, came the ring:

Then this happened August 14, 2010:

And now:

My dear Brett,
I still smile every time I see Husband come up on my Caller I.D. 
I love the way every kid instantly becomes your best friend.
I cannot fathom the string of songs you must have stuck in your head all.the.time by the rotation you choose to sing them out loud.
I love that you ask me if your tie matches your shirt every Sunday.
When we slow dance together in the kitchen, I close my eyes and breathe deep because this, this is what I always imagined our marriage would be. 


1 comment:

  1. I loved this and I love it so much that I can't say anything else, except how blessed I am to have been a part of your lives.
