Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How To Be Cool

I recently found this little gem. This was created during a study hall for those of us who weren't in ensemble in high school. I think I was a freshman at the time. I was in Alex Shloss' room. I copied it into my journal, because I definitely wanted to keep this as a reference for the future, in case I forgot how to be cool.
Also, I would like to note, that according to his standards, Nate decided I was cool.

How To Be Cool
by Nate Fitch
I.   Style
      A.  Have your own
       B.  Don't conform  (no posing)

II.  Be Likable
      A.  You are born with this - some are doomed since birth
      B.   Don't say stupid things

III.  Be Classy
      A.  Know what it means
      B.  Be active - couch potatoes NOT cool

IV.  Don't Try too Hard

V.   Don't be Ditzy
      - It annoys Nate

VI.  Don't be Arrogant

VII. Don't Have an Attitude
       A.  Don't be depressed
       B.  Only have real problems

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


In about three months, I will be turning 25. So this is the first of probably many posts about my impending old age.

Being 25 scares me. It's one of those ages that, well, ages you. By 25, it's pretty obvious you're out of college. You should no longer be staying up all night partying, procrastinating, and pretty much making a fool out of yourself--all things that are perfectly acceptable while living in a dorm room. Or an apartment with seven other girls. 

25 means you have a job, wear uncomfortable shoes, and eat whole grain cereal. It means grocery shopping in a store (instead of in your parents' cupboards), buying toilet paper (instead of stealing loose rolls from public bathrooms and hiding them in your purse), and having a wardrobe full of "business professional" garments (sniff, I miss wearing sweatpants and Northwestern t-shirts every day).

One third of my life has already happened. One of these days I will blink and wake up thirty (okay, breathe...still another five years). Of course, part of the reason I'm so terrified of this milestone age is this: 25 was always my personal deadline for the major things I wanted to accomplish in the early stage of my adult life. I was going to have a book written. I was going to be writing for a major publication. I was going to be a fun aunt. I was going to have my life together with a perpetually clean house and home cooked meals. I was going to have a garden full of beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables. I was going to be thin and in shape. I was going to run 5ks every weekend. I was going to own a golden retriever named Trixie. I was going to have traveled, studied abroad, and learned photography. I was going to be a mom.

But life happens; things happen. Other things, better things. Things I am proud to have accomplished in 25 years. 

But that's another post for another day. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Holidays

This time of year makes me very happy. I love the string of holidays of Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Years and how much celebration can take place. It's a time ripe with parties, because no one can pass up a season gathering--"Hey, you want to come over for a harvest party?" "We're throwing a Christmas party this week, want to come? I know it's only December 1, but..." And it doesn't matter. I would pack 25 days of Christmas parties into my life if I had that many friends who threw parties.

I mean, we literally had a Pumpkin Carving Party on Sunday. And it was awesome. And festive.

And my tiny, wonderful pumpkin:

And you better believe I'm going to be dressed up handing out candy on Halloween.

If not out trick-or-treating myself.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday Thoughts

I must be stressed because my eye is twitching like strobe light. My jaw hurts constantly from clenching it while I sleep. I’m not sure how to cure that. Less stress, probably…

I’m in a strange place right now in all areas of my life. That waiting place again. I’m waiting for the volleyball season to be over, for my script to come in the mail, for Christmas, for my boss to retire, for a weekend full of sleep…

I haven’t written anything substantial in a long time. I wish I had more reason to write—like school, or work. There’s an A&E freelance position open in Fairbault. If only there was more time…

I’ve been pondering the natural lately: homeopathic medicine, homemade cleaners, natural childbirth, free range chickens. I wish I could talk about these things and have no one call me a hippie…

I feel like I have a kebab skewer sticking into my right eye. It’s just barely nicking my brain. I think that’s the source of the twitching. And the massive headache. Would like to get that removed…

This weekend will hold the final wedding of the season, some pumpkin carving, and time with good friends. I do love our life—disco ball eye twitching, kebab skewer headache, hippie ideology, and all.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Words fascinate me. Of course that's general idea is why I became an English major. But deeper than that, words as art fascinate me. 

When I was in Jr. High, and maybe even younger, I used to make collages out of magazines. But unlike my sister and my friends who did this with pictures, I mostly used words. Not just quotes, but single words. I would choose powerful words: love, hate, grow, fascinate, symbol, inspire. Or interesting words: irrefutable, commemorate, swelter--words that use every part of your mouth to say, and every part of your mind to imagine. 

I would take these words and arrange them in patterns and shapes on notebooks, poster boards, and my bedroom walls. I would look at these words and simply enjoy them. Enjoy their shape, their sound, and the powerful meanings of each word.

As technology has advanced, I haven't had to use magazine cutouts to make beautiful collages. I can now plug my favorite words into Wordle and get a fantastic image. I recently decided to use all of the words from my blog to create a Wordle, just to see what I write about the most. 

Enjoy my words: